
Star Symbols Copy & Paste: Copy Stylish Star Text & Sign ★⭐✸

Just click on a symbol to copy.

۞ 🌠 🌟 💫 🌃 🔯

Star symbols are one of the most used symbols. Star symbols are versatile and can be used widely in different forms of media like social media, branding, and designing. The star symbol is mostly used to give ratings for businesses or persons for their service or product, making unique and impressive social media bios or names. These symbols are often used to make graphic design images.

You can use these star symbols on your webpage for rating purposes or any other star sign purpose. Generally, symbols are the characters that you can’t find on your keyboard. Still, you can copy it through the website or type it out with the help of Alt code. If you check with Alt + Any numeric key, you will find many other symbols too. So, you can copy star text or symbols through here or else you can type star sign with the help of Alt code. Below, we will explain more about the alt codes for the star to type out on your document.

How to Copy or Type Star Symbol:

Symbols are needed immediately during chatting or making social media bios. Everyone wants to find or copy star symbols quickly to save time that's why we have made the process of copying the symbols easy. You need to come over to our website and then click on the star symbol icon, which is placed on the top of the website. Then, you can simply click on any icon you want to copy and then paste it wherever you want to use it.

If you don’t want to copy from here, you can easily type with the help of your keyboard. You need to press the ALT key with a code that you can get through our website. Each star symbols have a different alt code. You can use your keyboard to type it out. So, press the ALT key + side numeric key to type out the symbol. If you don't have a side numeric key, you need to type the code first and press the ALT + X key to display the star symbol.

Types of Star Symbols:

We have lots of variety of star symbols on our website which are used in different contexts. You can type out anywhere you want to type. You can use the HTML or alt code to type on your documents or html files. Generally, star symbols are used on the website's front end for rating purposes. Below, we have listed all the star symbols with the most commonly used star symbols.

★ Black Star: This solid black star is often used for ratings and showing achievements or can be simply used for decoration in the text or design. If you are using it on your HTML documents, you can change the colour as its character symbol so you can change the colour by using CSS.

☆ White star: A white star is often used to add contrast with a black star. Sometimes, it indicates empty or unfilled stars in the rating system.

🌟 Shiny Star: A shiny star is often used to show something extraordinary, like some special achievement or any person’s unique qualities.

More star symbols are available on our website, which you can use as per your choice or context. A star symbol is more than just a simple shape. It holds rich significance in modern and cultural contexts.

All Star symbols with Alt code:

In the below, we have mentioned the alt code only. When you click on the specific symbol, you can also copy HTML, CSS, Java, and alt code for every star symbol.

Black Star SymbolAlt+9733
White Star SymbolAlt+9734
Star of DavidAlt+10017
Black Four Pointed StarAlt+10022
White Four Pointed StarAlt+10023
Stress Outlined White StarAlt+10025
Circled White StarAlt+10026
Open Centre Black StarAlt+10027
Black Centre White StarAlt+10028
Outlined Black StarAlt+10029
Heavy Outlined Black StarAlt+10030
Pinwheel StarAlt+10031
Shadowed White StarAlt+10032
Asterism SymbolAlt+8258
Low Asterisk SymbolAlt+8270
Two Asterisks Aligned VerticallyAlt+8273
Four Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk SymbolAlt+10018
Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk SymbolAlt+10019
Heavy Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk SymbolAlt+10020
Four Club-Spoked Asterisk SymbolAlt+10021
Heavy Asterisk SymbolAlt+10033
Open Centre Asterisk SymbolAlt+10034
Eight Spoked Asterisk SymbolAlt+10035
Eight Pointed Black StarAlt+10036
Eight Pointed Pinwheel StarAlt+10037
Six Pointed Black StarAlt+10038
Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black StarAlt+10039
Heavy Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black StarAlt+10040
Twelve Pointed Black StarAlt+10041
Sixteen Pointed AsteriskAlt+10042
Teardrop-Spoked AsteriskAlt+10043
Open Centre Teardrop-Spoked AsteriskAlt+10044
Heavy Teardrop-Spoked AsteriskAlt+10045
Six Petalled Black and White FloretteAlt+10046
Black FloretteAlt+10047
White FloretteAlt+10048
Eight Petalled Outlined Black FloretteAlt+10049
Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed StarAlt+10050
Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Pinwheel AsteriskAlt+10051
Sparkle SymbolAlt+10055
Heavy Sparkle SymbolAlt+10056
Balloon-Spoked AsteriskAlt+10057
Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller AsteriskAlt+10058
Heavy Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller AsteriskAlt+10059
Snowflake SymbolAlt+10052
Heavy Chevron SnowflakeAlt+10054
Tight Trifoliate SnowflakeAlt+10053
Star Operator SymbolAlt+8902
Star Equals SymbolAlt+8795
Canadian Syllabics TthAlt+5487
Open Centre AsteriskAlt+10034
Tibetan Sign Rdel Nag GsumAlt+4047
Combining Cyrillic Ten Millions SignAlt+42608
Arabic Start of Rub El Hizb۞Alt+1758
White Small StarAlt+11090
Apl Functional Symbol Circle StarAlt+9055
Medium Star EmojiAlt+11088
Shooting Star Emoji🌠Alt+127776
Glowing Star Emoji🌟Alt+127775
Dizzy Symbol Emoji💫Alt+9733
Sparkles EmojiAlt+10024
Night with Stars Emoji🌃Alt+127747
Six Pointed Star with Middle Dot Emoji🔯Alt+128303


Where can we use them?

There are many places to use them. Generally, you can use them on the webpage where you want to give a rating. You can also use them in Photoshop, PowerPoint presentations or many other places.

Want Star Symbol HTML Code?

In the above, we have mentioned only the alt code. But if you are looking for HTML code for every star symbol, you can click on the link of a specific symbol, and you will have HTML, CSS, JAVA & alt code along with the star symbol image.

What other Symbols Do you have to Copy Paste?

We have many other symbols to copy and paste through our website; it is very easy to use these symbols copy paste them anywhere. Here is a list of a few symbols to copy and paste which are most commonly used.
1. Arrow symbol copy paste
2. Copyright symbol copy paste

How to Type Any Star Symbol on a Document?

If you want to type out with the help of a keyboard, you can press the ALT Key + Alt code, which is unique for each star symbol. It will display the symbol for which you used the alt code.