
𝄲 Quarter Tone Sharp Music Symbol - Copy & Paste

Just Click on a Symbol to Copy.

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Encoding & Programming Code

Html Hex 𝄲 🗋
Html Decimal 𝄲 🗋
Win Alt Code Alt+119090 🗋
Url Escape Code %F0%9D%84%B2 🗋
Utf8 Hex 0xF0 0x9D 0x84 0xB2 🗋
Utf8 Binary 11110000:10011101:10000100:10110010 🗋
Utf16 0x1D132 🗋
Utf32 0x0001D132 🗋
Css Entity \1D132 🗋
C Cpp Java Entity "\u1D132" 🗋
Perl \x{1D132} 🗋
Python2 u"\u1D132" 🗋
Python3 "\u1D132" 🗋
Ruby Swift Rust \u{1D132} 🗋
Php \u1D132 🗋
Sql CHAR(0x1D132) 🗋

Quarter tone sharp music symbol 𝄲 is used in musical notes. When you create a music notes document digitally and want to create a 𝄲 symbol in it. For this you have to enter the Win code to create this 𝄲 symbol. Type 119090 numeric keys along with Alt key and easily get the symbol in music notes.

Code To Type Symbols On Different Languages

Html Code

<span> &#119090; </span> 🗋

CSS Code

span {content: "\1D132";} 🗋

JavaScript Code

<script> console.log("\u1D132"); </script> 🗋

Python Code

print ( u"\u1D132" ) 🗋

Download Different Types of Symbol Images

Webp Image Download

Quarter Tone Sharp Music Symbol Webp Image

PNG Image Download

Quarter Tone Sharp Music Symbol PNG Image

SVG Image Download

Quarter Tone Sharp Music Symbol SVG Image

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